
Orzo Pasta Salade met garnalen en surimi

Orzo Pasta Salade met garnalen en surimi

Pasta salade

Orzo 230 gr
Rode ui versnipperd 70 gr
Cherry tomaten 165 gr
Gele paprika 1 st
Kalamata olijven, grof gesneden 100 gr
Jumbo garnalen diepvries 1 zak
Surimi sticks 6 st
Peterselie fijn gehakt zonder steel 15 gr
Basilicum grof gehakt zonder steel 50 gr


Olijfolie 30 ml
Citroensap 30 ml
Citroen zest 2 tsp
Knoflookpoeder 1/2 tsp
Maple sirop 15 ml
Italiaanse kruiden, oregano en basiclicum 1 tsp
Parmigiano / Parmezaan 1 tbsp
Pasta water 30 ml


  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the orzo and cook according to the package instructions. Reserve 1/4 cup (60 ml) of pasta water, drain the pasta, rinse with cold water, and toss with a little olive oil. Set aside to cool.
  • While the water boils/pasta cooks, prep the pasta salad ingredients and make the dressing.
  • Add the olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic powder, maple syrup, Italian herbs, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast, and pasta water (once it’s ready) to a large mixing bowl and whisk to combine. Add the finely chopped red onion and mix again.
  • Voeg de tomaten, paprika, olijven, peterselie en gekookte Orzo toe aan de schaal. Mix goed door elkaar.
  • Snij de surimi in stukjes en mix door de salade.
  • Leg de garnalen mooi bovenop
  • Mix in the basil just before serving. Taste and adjust as needed, adding more salt for overall flavor, lemon juice for brightness, or herbs for freshness. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Not freezer friendly.




20 min


10 min

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